Updated: 8/15/24 What plastic packaging is best for your new product? How does environmental sustainability impact the answer? Should you use PET plastic or HDPE? If you Google these questions, you’ll likely see a dozen different answers, most of which all approach...
BottleOne Technology Featured in SIPA Presentation
If you didn’t tune into PETnology’s Pack Passion Week 2022, you missed a good one. Even though I like the personal touch of being at the conference, I enjoyed watching the presentations from my desk. SIPA’s presentation, by Paolo De Nardi and Pablo Fiorentini, was my...
New PET Packaging Sensation – BottleOne
Before I get into the specifics of the new PET packaging sensation, BottleOne, I want to take you back a few years. For those of you old enough to remember the influential music critic, Jon Landau, when he first saw Bruce Springsteen in Cambridge back in 1975, he...
Milk Containers: PET (Circular Economy) vs. HDPE (Recycling Economy)
Sustainability practices continue to gain momentum as this consumer trend rises in popularity. For CPGs, sustainable business practices reflect more than just a conscientious way of doing business. They represent the values we have as consumers for sustaining the...
How to Increase Dairy Profitability with BottleOne
The dairy industry continues to be in a state of disruption. Competition increases while the growth forecasts decrease. Sluggish growth as a result of the pandemic adds to the complexity of an already strained market. Now more than ever, it is important for companies...
The PET Container That is Drone Deliverable (and ECommerce Ready)
“PET container” and “drone deliverable” aren’t phrases you normally see together in a headline. Recently I published a post with 4 consumer trends reshaping the dairy industry. One of those 4 cornerstone trends is ecommerce. As we’ve seen during the current crisis,...
Innovation Motivation Part Two: A Solution in Search of a Problem
In Part One of my series on Innovation Motivation, I offered three different change motivations that drive innovation. These motivations; ambition, fear, and crisis, are universal and create a model useful when assessing the thought processes and behaviors of...