Everyone loves handles on big PET bottles. PET plastic is beautifully crystal clear and 100% recyclable. A strong, comfortable handle to make the pour easier on a heavy, large format PET bottle is the icing on the cake for consumers. This is especially true in food...
Cristalia’s New BottleOne PET Bottle is “Súper Unico”
Have you seen the buzz around Cristalia’s new product launch? It’s Súper Unico! Cristalia replaced their HDPE gallon jug filling line with a BottleOne blow-to-fill PET line. They managed the turnaround in an amazing six months. Out with the old HDPE jug and in with...
Post-Consumer Recycled Plastic Crisis Leads to Attaining PCR Goals
Recently I’ve been asked about the use of post-consumer recycled plastic (PCR) in BottleOne PET containers. PCR is a subset of rPET, which is recycled PET. PCR comes from bottle recovery programs such as curbside recycling and bottle deposit channels. Here are my...
BottleOne’s PET Bottles Critiqued by Plastics Expert, Chris DeArmitt, PhD, FRSC
If you are a regular reader of our blog, you know we are passionate about our BottleOne PET bottles. BottleOne is an affordable large capacity, standard grade PET bottle with an integrated PET handle. Our unique handle is integrated and molded into the preform (it is...
Milk Containers: PET (Circular Economy) vs. HDPE (Recycling Economy)
Sustainability practices continue to gain momentum as this consumer trend rises in popularity. For CPGs, sustainable business practices reflect more than just a conscientious way of doing business. They represent the values we have as consumers for sustaining the...
Plastic is the Unexpected Solution to the Plastic Problem in the Ocean
What are your thoughts regarding the plastic problem? You know what plastic problem I’m referring to - that island of garbage floating in the ocean. We at BottleOne are in the plastics business, so it is a fair question to ask. My answer is likely not the one you’re...